Currently I have no screen shots. But I must say that the map is looking alright so far. It's my first height map, and it's turning out pretty good. I also figured out how to change the mask of the terrain. There are a lot of meshes in the map, including houses, trees, rocks, horses, stables, and wayy more! That's not all though, there's still more to download on the way!
Since the RP is called 'Rattlesnake Alley' I've requested on the Fh forums for a rattlesnake mesh. A user has offered to convert a rattlesnake model for Feral Heart, which I am patiently awaiting. All in all, I'm sure everything will turn out good, even though I'm not the best map maker. There is no official release date for the map, so please bare with me as I'm working hard on it. I am also expecting to add some new music to it, so we don't have to listen to the same old FH music. =]
I shall try to add screen shots as soon as possible!